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  • Connor Brush


Updated: Jan 21, 2022

Before you spend your money buying an Xbox Elite controller, have a look at the common fault’s users are facing with these controllers. You might be shocked!

There is nothing more important than having the right controller for a long gaming session. The Xbox Elite controller is one of the most popular controllers since Scuf. This is because they provide the user with a number of advantages over their opponents instantly. But in order to get an Elite controller you’ll have to part with up to £150/$200. So, we know you’ll want to know about the common faults users have complained about.

Xbox Elite Controller

The common faults are:

1. LB/RB buttons break very easily. This is because the buttons are connected on the same plastic bracket and over time the pressure cause this to snap. This leads to the buttons literally falling out of the controller. There is a fix for this here.

2. Stick Drift – Users of the Elite controller (myself included) have been struggling with stick drift on our controllers. It makes shooting games such as Call of Duty or Halo Infinite very difficult to play because your aim randomly drifts up or in a random direction. There hasn’t been a definite fix for this yet which means you’ll either have to get used to it or buy another controller which isn’t ideal considering the cost of an Elite controller.

3. Button Lag – Yes, users have experienced button lag with these controllers. If you own a controller, try laying down in game and seeing how long this takes in comparison to using an original controller. There is a massive difference in speed, and I’ve personally experienced this. This is something to be aware of before you part ways with your hard-earned money.

According to The Verge, Microsoft has been forced to extend their warranty on their Xbox Elite Series 2 controller due to these complains. This now means instead of having a 90 day warranty period, customers now have one year which is a lot better.

Despite having the issues discussed above, the Elite controller does have a huge number of positives. As soon as you start using an Elite controller you will experience a skill increase. This is because of the additional features an Xbox Elite controller has in comparison to original controllers.

Xbox Elite Controller Halo Edition

Additional Features:

1. Trigger Stoppers – The triggers allow users to adjust how far their LT/RT buttons can be pushed in. This provides a huge advantage to users because they’ll have less travel when pushing their triggers in which means their fire rate will increase allowing them to shoot faster. This could mean the difference between winning and losing.

2. Customisable Thumb Sticks - A lot of users don’t realise the difference this makes to your aim. Having the ability to have a longer or shorter thumb stick, a domed or caved thumb stick is massive. An example of this is having a longer right thumb stick means you're required to push the stick more before any movement happens in game. This means your accuracy is instantly increased because the stick will not be as sensitive. Xbox players normally have caved thumb sticks in comparison to PlayStations domed stick. Having the option to change to either is quite nice.

3. Button Mapping – Users have an additional 4 triggers on the back of their controller. Each trigger can be mapped to a specific button. An example of this is, button A could be mapped to trigger 1 on the back of the controller. Therefore, when trigger 1 is pressed, it is the equivalent to pressing A.

Call of Duty Pro players use this to improve their game play. They can continue to aim and move while jumping or laying down. This makes them a moving target and increases their aim at all times.

This is an overview of the Xbox Elite Controller. If you would like a more detailed post let us know in the comments. If you're experiencing any of these issues check out what Microsoft have to say about this and what they can do to help or replace your controller here.


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