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  • Connor Brush

Best Print on Demand Service for Etsy?

Updated: Jun 16, 2022

There are over 4.4 million active sellers on Etsy. New stores are often created and abandoned because the seller gets no traffic which results in no sales.

Print on demand has recently become very popular and more Etsy sellers are starting to build stores around this. In this article we will tell you how to sell print on demand products on Etsy, tips and reliable suppliers.

Can You Sell Print On Demand Products On Etsy?

Yes! You can sell print on demand products on Etsy. You can list your designs and products on Etsy, then let customers choose the design they want. All you need to do is place orders with your supplier.

Etsy's homepage

How to Sell Print On Demand Products On Etsy

Suppliers & Platform Integration

Suppliers such as Printify and Printful support integration with Etsy. This means you can easily import the products from the supplier’s website onto your Etsy store. From there customers can customise the products and add the designs they want.

Printful's homepage

As the suppliers above support platform integration, you only need to follow a few steps to integrate your store with the supplier:

1. Create an Etsy account

2. Create an account on your supplier’s website

3. Connect your Etsy store to the supplier’s website

4. Use the suppliers custom design maker to create your own unique designs

5. Import products to your Etsy store

6. Promote and sell your products

  • Relationships

  • Pets & Animals

  • Patriotism & Politics

  • Character Transformation

  • Marriage / Engagement

  • Jobs

  • Humour and Memes

  • Holidays, Occasions or Events

Why Use Etsy And Platform Integration

  1. Etsy is a trusted marketplace with millions of active users per day. Etsy has a great reputation for having unique products such as custom clothes, candles etc.

  2. No monthly fees - Suppliers such as Printful are free to use. That means there’s no risk if you don’t make sales. Printful only charges you when you receive an order on your Etsy store.

  3. Using suppliers that support integration with Etsy enables you to focus on creating new printable designs and promoting your store. The supplier will handle fulfilment and delivery.

  4. Suppliers such as Printful support custom branding. This means you can add your logo etc to products and packaging.

  5. Global shipping is supported by the suppliers listed above.

  6. Thousands of products are available to customise and list on your Etsy store. All you have to do is import them.

Printful's products

1. Esty Pricing Strategy

One problem with Etsy is when you upload a product, there most likely will be other sellers advertising the same or similar products to you. This is why our pricing strategy is ideal to stand out from other Etsy sellers.

The biggest factor to get a potential customer to click on your product instead of another sellers listing is pricing. Customers want to get the product for the cheapest possible price. Therefore, they will click on the cheapest listing first.

Ensure you can match or beat their price before advertising the product. This is why finding the correct supplier is so important. If your supplier can sell you the product at a discounted price, you can compete with other stores.

2. Running Etsy Ads

Unlike Facebook ads, Etsy ads are much simpler to utilise and a great tool overall to boost your organic listings. For a new store it is a great boost if you run a $2-3 ad each day to boost your organic sales. This is great for showing Etsy you’re a serious seller and also allows you to build up some reviews which in turn helps you to increase sales.

Some start-up ad ideas are:

  • Start a sale on your store when you run the ads to boost sales

  • If an ad is not making sales, don’t be afraid to cut the ad and test a new product

  • Advertise your best-selling products as these will have a higher conversion rate

Methods To Boost Your Etsy Stores Ranking And Sales

  • Write a detailed product description that captures the customers attention, shows how the product resolves a problem and inspires trust

  • Send existing customers coupon codes to inspire them to return to your store

  • Take high quality thumbnails with white backgrounds. This looks professional and the customer will click on your listing much quicker if you look like a reliable business

  • Add a personal touch to your packages, even a small thank you note, or a free gift can go a long way

  • Utilise email marketing, ask customers to sign up to your emailing list. You can use this as a method of free advertisement

  • Upsell. Try to bundle your top selling products with less successful products that are related to them. You could then sell two products instead of just one

  • Offering free shipping can go a long way. Customers would rather pay more for a product if free shipping is included

  • Try to use TicTok to promote your store or products. Products have blown up overnight using TicTok

  • Ensure you have a high-quality store name relatable to the products you sell. Your store name is your brand, and a bad name will put customers off



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